About Us

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VdQd is an initiative of  veterinary microbiologist Dr. Dirk Houwers, who has over 30 years of experience in the diagnostics and epidemiology of a wide range of veterinary pathogens. His experience with dermatophytes stems from 23 years of being  head of Veterinary Microbiological Diagnostic Centre of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht where he was also responsible for the Department of Mycology.  Over the years, he experienced the importance of careful interpretation of a laboratory result. It is too often believed that “a laboratory” provides a reliable result.  Although there are several advantages to using modern-day 'DNA technology', such as PCR, the risk of unreliable results is considerable. It is therefore extremely important that the development and application of a PCR for dermatophyte diagnostics is supported by a thorough knowledge of these pathogens and extensive experience with this molecular technique, particularly when applied in diagnostics.

The help of several specialists was essential in developing the test and the data-management system. Currently, VdQd is operated by Houwers and a  part-time laboratory assistant.