Skin fungus research by VDQD offers
Optimal and convenient sample collection using a special brush
Competitive rate with discount from the 3rd sample per shipment of 1 file (important for shelters and catteries) (see Rate).
Proven maximum sensitivity for all skin fungi in animals and a semi-quantitative result
Specificity with distinction between Microsporum and Trichophyton
Unique expertise (see About us)
Speed: ‘we’ll know tomorrow’ when the sample has been posted for the collection. Result by email
Practical convenience
The standard packaging of 8 brushes with return envelopes will be sent on request (costs: € 10,- ex VAT, outside the Netherlands within the EU € 15). Samples taken otherwise only in consultation
Send sample by post
Invoicing per month with mention of patient names or codes
Where necessary or desired, the result is provided with expert commentary, e.g. regarding interpretation or treatment
In the event of an outbreak, we can support the treating veterinarian in drawing up the control plan and planning efficient progress checks
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to mail or call us
VdQd strives to produce accurate results. VdQd cannot be held liable for direct or indirect consequences of its results, nor for inaccuracies resulting from errors in its laboratory or administration.
No rights can be derived from the content of this website.
See also General terms and conditions